Home � DIY rickshaw - robot comes from China

DIY rickshaw - robot comes from China

If a neighbor of Mr. Wu Yulu in suburban Beijing, I guarantee you will not be surprised to see pictures of the robot pulled a carpenter walking on the street.

Wu Yulu name began to be known worldwide after he invented and built the robot successfully pulled 47. Like "brother" other, DIY robot rickshaw was born right in his backyard Yulu. Assembled from pieces of scrap metal recycling, the robot can perform Yulu of many movements such as dancing, drawing, drinking, soaked blueberries and pull cart.

Recently, he joined Yulu and more than 30 robots on display in self-Shanghai 2010 exhibition vehicle.

Yulu love robots as their offspring, most of which he was also "little" things are DIY rickshaw 32. He was programmed to rickshaw can speak two sentences: "Wu Yulu is my father. I will announce to the town. " In the future, Yulu will surely continue his passion and surprise the whole world.


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