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Thanks to shine ... teeth!

To have white teeth, beautiful smile shine and radiant, you need to keep proper oral hygiene.

The oral hygiene not only gives you a nice healthy teeth, shiny, sweet breath, but also work to prevent common dental diseases and furthermore some other diseases.

For that is always white, clean
Want more beautiful smile, you can apply some simple measures that effect the following:
Air 1 a teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt with small brush dipped in this mixture and brush the teeth, the plate number will quickly disappear.

Regularly eat apples, celery, carrots, cabbage, lettuce ... Acid naturally in plants and the apple fiber helps to plaque type and make you whiter teeth.

If you work hard to eat sugar, your teeth will be white and clean by chewing, sugarcane fiber will go rub rub on the teeth.
Every day, every night watching TV, instead of candy or sip Convolvulaceae, use pieces from him in scrubbing the stains on your teeth, your teeth will quickly return the ball clean.

Use apple vinegar brushing. This not only white but also teeth cleaned.

Flooded strawberry bite and leave within 5 minutes. Strawberry mild detergent will clean the stains on teeth.
Or you can also crushed strawberries and harmony with toothpaste when brushing your teeth to stain.

Take half teaspoon baking soda water and a little peace. Use a brush to brush this mixture over the back teeth. If applied regularly, that you will achieve the desired whiteness.

Want breath always attractive
You can apply the following ways if his breath smells after accidentally eating or drinking the formula spicy odors:
- Rinse with water phase made available from the wormwood tree or peppermint.

-If possible, drink water color from oak bark, nettle, daisy, birch.

In addition, fresh apples, green tea is also used to treat bad breath.

Some general principles
Brush teeth after meals:
Plaque, the cause of oral diseases like gingivitis, gum inflammation, tooth decay ... formed within several hours after food exists in the mouth. So, brush your teeth after every meal is necessary to prevent dental diseases. When brushing Notes soft brush, brush teeth along the way or spinning, combed the surface of the tooth.

Shaving blades:
This is a very important task. If we are only brushing the tongue without shaving the bacteria exist in oral cavity. The purpose of the razor blade is to remove plaque and bacteria that exist on the surface of the tongue, bad breath restriction caused by bacteria.

Use only newspaper dentistry:
To clean the teeth, use only the best silk dentistry after brushing.
Using a toothpick is not the food does not get washed out again, but also can cause bleeding gums, making teeth broadly facilitate Giat food more easily causing the gum disease and tooth decay.

After you finish brushing, mouthwash using mouthwash that contains chlorine and fluor helps remove dental plaque, oral cavity bacteria and clean sweet breath.

Note also:
You should brush your teeth right 5 minutes after each meal, eaten sitting should not play long before brushing teeth, brushing time is about 3-5 minutes. Should use toothpaste containing fluor to help strengthen tooth enamel structure and selected soft toothbrush.

The effect of toothbrushes also recognized by machine, but with conditions you must not reduce brushing time.

Thanks to shine ... teeth!


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