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End of story for laughs

A pilot flying the plane close to the sport of Paris, he announced:
- Pilot here! Pilots here! I want to be allowed to landing.

- Or it clear where he is?
- Being in the cabs, the right seat.

* *
Two men talk to each other in the pub:
- You can drink alcohol or not?
- At that time no.

- Specifically how?
- When will the opening of wine I drink, I closed all the time.

* *
Ask a rookie officer:
- Before going into the army, he is the electrician must not?
- Report: Yes!
- So I'll assign you a task well-suited to professional: Daily, on at 23 o'clock, I'll go check the bulb in the camp was run out off yet.
* *
- You know they do not? Tom was expelled from the team of climbers we have already.

- Why so? Achievement of which he was well.

- Coach is a newly discovered him down the mountain at full use elevators.

* *
Traffic police are working to block a car on the road whisk. The driver assigned Ceiling:
- Sir, I can explain.
- Do not explain anything, please follow me to the police station.
- But I just wanted to say ...
- Do not say anything. On station and wait for the police chief.
- But ...
- But not all. Lem BEM England but again, I'll kick him into custody there.

Three hours later, police returned and told him:
- Fortunately for him today the boss is busy daughters wedding wine, surely he would be happy back there.

- He can not dream, I was the groom's wedding was there.

* *
Defendant's attorney asked:
- That morning what happened?
- I woke up, thinking about going to bed, then my husband put one arm holding me back and said: "Cathy, a little more to go!".
- So what? - He forgot my name is Jane à? - She screamed it.


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